IPFS and NFT Assets


How to Really Save Your NFT Assets?

Depending on the extent to which you intend on distributing your work, providing exclusive and secure access to useable or repurpose-able digital assets is imperative. 

You see, whilst your JPG, PNG, GIF, Audio, Video or other files may be stored with your NFT platform profiles. In some cases it may also be necessary to provide exclusive additional master files or content, which you will only wish to grant access to people who have purchased a valid license. 

This is where IPFS and the decentralised internet come into play. 

Using IPFS, you can store your digital assets 

What is IPFS?

IPFS uses a peer-to-peer networking layer for distributing data via interconnected nodes without the need for a centralised server or administrative system.

IPFS technology allows the distribution of data without the need for a central server. IPFS uses a peer-to-peer networking layer for distributing data via interconnected nodes without the need for a centralised server or administrative system.

Install the IPFS Desktop App

To get started you will need to first download the IPFS Desktop.app here. And following the usual ...