Luminar Cheat Sheet 1
Luminar macOS Keyboard Shortcuts
\ backward slash
Activates before / after comparison. When the key is pressed, the original image will be shown. Releasing the key will reveal the enhanced image.
; semi-colon
Activates split-screen comparison mode where the original image is on the left side and the edited result will be on the right side. To exit the mode press the ; button again.
I (cap I)
Switch to the Info Panel
F (cap F)
Full-screen view
L (cap L)
Switch to the Library Panel
D (cap D)
Switch to Edit Mode and Panel
Hide/Show all panels
Quick switch between Single Image View/Gallery View
Next Photo
Previous Photo
Cmd + ->
Next look
Cmd + <-
Previous look
Cmd + click
Select Multiple discrete photos
Shift + click
Select multiple contiguous photos
Cmd + m
Cmd + <-
Previous look
Luminar Menu
Cmd + H
Hide Luminar
Alt + Cmd + H
Hide other
Cmd + Q
Quit Luminar
Cmd + ,
Luminar preferences
File Menu
Cmd + O
Open (Images for Quick Edits)
Cmd + W
Close file
Shift + Cmd + E
Export to image
Cmd + B
Opens Batch Processing Mode
Shift + Cmd + P
Page Setup
Cmd + P
Edit Menu
Cmd + Z
Shift + Cmd + Z
Cmd + X
Cmd + C
Cmd + V
Cmd + A
Select all
Cmd + D
Deselect all
Cmd + C
Crop tool
Cmd + T
Free Transform tool
Cmd + J
Clone and Stamp tool
Change cloning area
Cmd + E
In Crop mode press X key to Rotate Aspect Ratio. Switch crop between portrait and landscape orientation.